OCx Opencart Extra for Evolution CMS
This Extra is deprecated!OCx
Display Opencart products and categories in Evolution CMS
Snippets Features:
- Display one or more Opencart Category
- Display one or more Opencart product
- Add to cart from MODx (requires Add to Cart via URL link Opencart extension)
- Buy from Amazon (Requires Opencart Amazon Affiliate Webstore Opencart extension )
- Display products images from opencart or automatically fetch in your MODX assets/images dir
OCx Module Features:
- Display and search orders inside MODX Manager
- Display and search products inside MODX Manager
- Display and search categories inside MODX Manager
- Display and search customers inside MODX Manager
Package includes:
- OCx Module : Module configuration to access remote Opencart DB
- OCxCategory Snippet: Display one or more Opencart Category
- OCxProduct Snippet: Display one or more Opencart product
- opencartTpl Chunk: Chunk template for OCxCategory and OCxProduct Snippets
- Install with Package Manager
- Go to > Modules > OCx > Configuration and set you credential for remote Opencart DB
- Enable OCx Module parameter sharing and set Dependencies for OCxCategory and OCxProduct Snippets
- Go to > Elements > Snippets > OCxCategory > Properties > Import Module shared parameters: OCx
- Go to > Elements > Snippets > OCxProduct > Properties > Import Module shared parameters: OCx
OCx Module Configuration
- db_hostname: opencart database host (ie: localhost)
- db_username: opencart db username
- db_password: opencart db password
- db_database: opencart db name
- Opencart url: opencart url (ie: http://www.yourdomainan.com/shop)
- Opencart images folder: (default: images/)
- Show products images: show remote (opencart) or local (modx) images
- shop language ID: opencart language id (default: 1)
- amazon: your country amazon (ie: amazon.it)
- amazon affiliate tag: amazon affiliate tag (ie: yourtag-21)
OCxProduct Snippet parameters
- id = id of opencart products to display (comma separated)
- opencartTpl = chunck template for display product
- orderby: order by value (available values: product_id /price/quantity/viewed )
- orderdir: order direction: DESC/ASC
- fetchimages = fetch opencart products images in your modx images folder (default 0 : not fetch)
- store_dir = folder where store products images (default assets/images/ocx)
- overwrite = overwrite images (default false)
- debug: enable debug (default false)
- convert: convert charset (default 0)
- charset: character set (default ISO-8859-1)
[[OCxProduct? &id=`60` &opencartTpl=`opencartTpl` &fetchimages=`0` &store_dir=`assets/images/ocx`]]
OCxCategory Snippet parameters
- cat = id of opencart categories to display (comma separated)
- opencartTpl = chunck template for display product
- limit: how many products
- orderby: order by value (available values: product_id /price/quantity/viewed )
- orderdir: order direction: DESC/ASC
- fetchimages = fetch opencart products images in your modx images folder (default 0 : not fetch)
- store_dir = folder where store products images (default assets/images/ocx)
- overwrite = overwrite images (default false)
- debug: enable debug (default false)
- convert: convert charset (default 0)
- charset: character set (default ISO-8859-1)
[[OCxCategory? &cat=`3` &opencartTpl=`opencartTpl` &limit=`50` &fetchimages=`0` &orderby=`price` &orderdir=`DESC` &store_dir=`assets/images/ocx`]]
OCxRelated Snippet parameters
- keyword = related keyword to search
- field = field where search the keyword (available values: name, description, model..)
- opencartTpl = chunck template for display product
- limit: how many products
- orderby: order by value (available values: product_id /price/quantity/viewed )
- orderdir: order direction: DESC/ASC
- fetchimages = fetch opencart products images in your modx images folder (default 0 : not fetch)
- store_dir = folder where store products images (default assets/images/ocx)
- overwrite = overwrite images (default false)
- debug: enable debug (default false)
- convert: convert charset (default 0)
- charset: character set (default ISO-8859-1)
[[OCxRelated? &keyword=`macbook` &field=`name` &opencartTpl=`opencartTpl` &limit=`50` &fetchimages=`0` &orderby=`price` &orderdir=`DESC` &store_dir=`assets/images/ocx`]]
Useful placeholders for template chunk
- [+ocimage+]: opencart product image
- [+ocid+]: opencart product id
- [+ocname+]: opencart product name
- [+ocdescription+]: opencart product description
- [+ocshort_description+]: short version of opencart product description
- [+ocprice+]: opencart product price
- [+ocsppricev+]: opencart discount price
- [+ocsmodel+]: opencart product model
- [+ocquantity+]: opencart product quantity
- [+ocviewed+]: opencart product views
- [+ocshop_url+]: opencart shop url
- [+ocproduct_url+]: opencart product url
- [+ocproduct_alias_url+]: opencart product SEO url
- [+buy_from_amazon+]: product affiliate link to amazon
Buy From Amazon Button
Requires Opencart Amazon Affiliate Webstore extension
Add to Cart Button
Opencart does not support add to cart via Url, to enable this option you need Add to Cart via URL link extension (19$)