RoleCheck snippet for Evolution CMS
A simple snippet for Evolution CMS 3.x to show chunks based on User's role.A replacement for old Evo 1.4x MemberCheck/Personalize/HideContent snippets
Snippet parameters
- &roles: List of roles to compare
- &YesChunk: Name of the chunk or HTML to display if the user is authorized
- &NoChunk: Name of the chunk or HTML to display if the user is not authorized or not logged in
Example call
[!RoleCheck? &roles=`WebUsers` &YesChunk=`WelcomeUser` &NoChunk=`YouAreNotLogged`!]
- Home
- Evolution Extras
- Snippets
- Plugins
- OnManagerWelcomeCustom Plugin
- ZoomTree
- DivasCookies Plugin
- NoFollowExternalLinks Plugin
- Google Analytics Widget for EvoDashboard Plugin
- Bootstrap Columns Plugin
- Unveil Images Lazy Load Plugin
- Responsive Images Plugin
- AutoEvoBackup
- EvoFLAT SystemSettings
- Dashboard Widget Manager
- ManagerColors
- evoTOC
- Pirsch Analytics plugin for Evolution CMS
- ContentImgPro
- IndexNow Plugin for Evolution CMS
- PageCacheManager
- Modules
- Widgets
- MultiTVs
- FlexSlider MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- ParallaxSlider MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- Gmap3 MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- NivoSlider MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- LightboxMG mini gallery MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- SwipeBoxMG mini gallery MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- SwipeBoxMG mini gallery for Bootstrap Templates
- Slideshow Jmpress MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- Circliful Statistics MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- YouTube Multitv for Evolution CMS
- Custom Tvs
- Packages
- Manager Themes
- Templates