
Analytics4Evo - Google Analytics for Evolution CMS

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Google Analytics for Evolution CMS Module, Plugin and widget

This package is based on Google Analytics Embed API JavaScript library and use Google Sign-In.

Before users can view their account information on the Google Analytics web site, they must first log in to their Google Accounts

Actually, server-side authorization and OAuth 2.0 are not supported.

Analytics4Evo package includes:

  • Analytics4Evo Module: site Analytics reports overview
  • PageAnalytics4Evo Plugin: resource/page Analytics reports
  • DashboardAnalytics4Evo Plugin: Dashboard widget (require evo 1.3/1.4)

NOTE : this package is developed for Evolution cms 1.3/1.4 To work with 1.2 release you need to set to "modxevo" the "cms" option in module and plugin settings.

DashboardAnalytics4Evo included in this package is compatible only with Evo => 1.4.You can download a version for Evolution CMS 1.2x from this Repository on Github: DashboardAnalytics4Evo12-widget


Customizable charts/widgets in module and plugins settings

DashboardAnalytics4Evo widget plugin

Sessions Chart

  • available metrics: sessions,users
  • available time frame: 30daysAgo,14daysAgo,7daysAgo

Analytics4Evo Module

Sessions Chart

  • available metrics: sessions,users
  • available time frame: 7daysAgo, 14daysAgo, 30daysAgo, 60daysAgo

30 days Users counter:

  • available metrics: pageviews,sessions,users,newUsers,bounceRate,timeOnPage,adsenseRevenue

Custom charts 1/2/3

  • Custom charts 1/2/3 available metrics: users, newUsers, sessions, bounces, bounceRate, sessionDuration, avgSessionDuration, hits,organicSearches, pageValue, entrances, entranceRate, pageviews, timeOnPage, exits, pageLoadTime, adsenseRevenue, adsenseCTR, adsenseAdsViewed, adsenseAdsClicks
  • Custom charts 1/2/3 available dimensions: userType, sessionCount, referralPath, fullReferrer, campaign, source, medium, sourceMedium, keyword, adContent, socialNetwork, campaignCode, browser, browserVersion, operatingSystem, operatingSystemVersion, mobileDeviceBranding, mobileDeviceModel, deviceCategory, browserSize, continent, country, region, city, hostname, pagePath, pageTitle, landingPagePath, secondPagePath, exitPagePath, previousPagePath, date, year, month, week, day, hour, dayOfWeek, dateHour
  • Custom charts 1/2/3 available chart type :PIE,LINE,COLUMN,BAR,TABLE,GEO

PageAnalytics4Evo Plugin

Sessions Chart

  • available metrics: sessions,users
  • available time frame: 30daysAgo,14daysAgo,7daysAgo

30 days Users counter:

  • available metrics: pageviews,sessions,users,newUsers,bounceRate,timeOnPage,adsenseRevenue

Custom charts 1/2

  • Custom chart 1/2 available metrics: users, newUsers, sessions, bounces, bounceRate, sessionDuration, avgSessionDuration, hits,organicSearches, pageValue, entrances, entranceRate, pageviews, timeOnPage, exits, pageLoadTime, adsenseRevenue, adsenseCTR, adsenseAdsViewed, adsenseAdsClicks
  • Custom chart 1/2 available dimensions: userType, sessionCount, referralPath, fullReferrer, campaign, source, medium, sourceMedium, keyword, adContent, socialNetwork, campaignCode, browser, browserVersion, operatingSystem, operatingSystemVersion, mobileDeviceBranding, mobileDeviceModel, deviceCategory, browserSize, continent, country, region, city, hostname, pagePath, pageTitle, landingPagePath, secondPagePath, exitPagePath, previousPagePath, date, year, month, week, day, hour, dayOfWeek, dateHour
  • Custom Chart1/2 available chart type :PIE,LINE,COLUMN,BAR,TABLE,GEO


Warning! To Run this package you need Analytics API client ID and Table ID.

For more informations about Creating a Google API Console project and client ID

How to allow access to analytics from your site

  1. go to
  2. select your project ID CLIENT
  3. add your site url to the allowed javascript origins
  4. if you have not already done, enable Analytics Api for your project (

How to find your site property ids Table ID ?

  1. goto to
  2. select account and property
  3. copy the ids

Done? ok, now add your 'client ID' and 'ids' in module/plugin settings

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