ZoomTree Plugin for Evolution cms
Zoom Tree plugin adds a small input range to zoom resource tree
Q: Cant see the range input in Elements in Tree tabs
- Go to Elements > Plugins > Edit Plugin Execution Order > OnManagerTreePrerender
- Drag ZoomTree Plugin ABOVE Elements in Tree
- Save
Q: I've disabled Zoom EIT option and Dont want see the range input in Elements in Tree tabs
- Go to Elements > Plugins > Edit Plugin Execution Order > OnManagerTreePrerender
- Drag ZoomTree Plugin BELOW Elements in Tree ????
- Save
Q: The range input is positioned too low or too high, Can i change the margin from bottom?
- Go to ZoomTree configuration page
- Change settings Margin from Bottom:
- Save
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- Unveil Images Lazy Load Plugin
- Responsive Images Plugin
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- ParallaxSlider MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- Gmap3 MultiTV for Evolution CMS
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- SwipeBoxMG mini gallery MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- SwipeBoxMG mini gallery for Bootstrap Templates
- Slideshow Jmpress MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- Circliful Statistics MultiTV for Evolution CMS
- YouTube Multitv for Evolution CMS
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