OCx Opencart Extra for Evolution CMS
This Extra is deprecated!OCx
Display Opencart products and categories in Evolution CMS
Snippets Features:
- Display one or more Opencart Category
- Display one or more Opencart product
- Add to cart from MODx (requires Add to Cart via URL link Opencart extension)
- Buy from Amazon (Requires Opencart Amazon Affiliate Webstore Opencart extension )
- Display products images from opencart or automatically fetch in your MODX assets/images dir
OCx Module Features:
- Display and search orders inside MODX Manager
- Display and search products inside MODX Manager
- Display and search categories inside MODX Manager
- Display and search customers inside MODX Manager
Package includes:
- OCx Module : Module configuration to access remote Opencart DB
- OCxCategory Snippet: Display one or more Opencart Category
- OCxProduct Snippet: Display one or more Opencart product
- opencartTpl Chunk: Chunk template for OCxCategory and OCxProduct Snippets
- Install with Package Manager
- Go to > Modules > OCx > Configuration and set you credential for remote Opencart DB
- Enable OCx Module parameter sharing and set Dependencies for OCxCategory and OCxProduct Snippets
- Go to > Elements > Snippets > OCxCategory > Properties > Import Module shared parameters: OCx
- Go to > Elements > Snippets > OCxProduct > Properties > Import Module shared parameters: OCx
OCx Module Configuration
- db_hostname: opencart database host (ie: localhost)
- db_username: opencart db username
- db_password: opencart db password
- db_database: opencart db name
- Opencart url: opencart url (ie: http://www.yourdomainan.com/shop)
- Opencart images folder: (default: images/)
- Show products images: show remote (opencart) or local (modx) images
- shop language ID: opencart language id (default: 1)
- amazon: your country amazon (ie: amazon.it)
- amazon affiliate tag: amazon affiliate tag (ie: yourtag-21)
OCxProduct Snippet parameters
- id = id of opencart products to display (comma separated)
- opencartTpl = chunck template for display product
- orderby: order by value (available values: product_id /price/quantity/viewed )
- orderdir: order direction: DESC/ASC
- fetchimages = fetch opencart products images in your modx images folder (default 0 : not fetch)
- store_dir = folder where store products images (default assets/images/ocx)
- overwrite = overwrite images (default false)
- debug: enable debug (default false)
- convert: convert charset (default 0)
- charset: character set (default ISO-8859-1)
[[OCxProduct? &id=`60` &opencartTpl=`opencartTpl` &fetchimages=`0` &store_dir=`assets/images/ocx`]]
OCxCategory Snippet parameters
- cat = id of opencart categories to display (comma separated)
- opencartTpl = chunck template for display product
- limit: how many products
- orderby: order by value (available values: product_id /price/quantity/viewed )
- orderdir: order direction: DESC/ASC
- fetchimages = fetch opencart products images in your modx images folder (default 0 : not fetch)
- store_dir = folder where store products images (default assets/images/ocx)
- overwrite = overwrite images (default false)
- debug: enable debug (default false)
- convert: convert charset (default 0)
- charset: character set (default ISO-8859-1)
[[OCxCategory? &cat=`3` &opencartTpl=`opencartTpl` &limit=`50` &fetchimages=`0` &orderby=`price` &orderdir=`DESC` &store_dir=`assets/images/ocx`]]
OCxRelated Snippet parameters
- keyword = related keyword to search
- field = field where search the keyword (available values: name, description, model..)
- opencartTpl = chunck template for display product
- limit: how many products
- orderby: order by value (available values: product_id /price/quantity/viewed )
- orderdir: order direction: DESC/ASC
- fetchimages = fetch opencart products images in your modx images folder (default 0 : not fetch)
- store_dir = folder where store products images (default assets/images/ocx)
- overwrite = overwrite images (default false)
- debug: enable debug (default false)
- convert: convert charset (default 0)
- charset: character set (default ISO-8859-1)
[[OCxRelated? &keyword=`macbook` &field=`name` &opencartTpl=`opencartTpl` &limit=`50` &fetchimages=`0` &orderby=`price` &orderdir=`DESC` &store_dir=`assets/images/ocx`]]
Useful placeholders for template chunk
: opencart product image[+ocid+]
: opencart product id[+ocname+]
: opencart product name[+ocdescription+]
: opencart product description[+ocshort_description+]
: short version of opencart product description[+ocprice+]
: opencart product price[+ocsppricev+]
: opencart discount price[+ocsmodel+]
: opencart product model[+ocquantity+]
: opencart product quantity[+ocviewed+]
: opencart product views
: opencart shop url[+ocproduct_url+]
: opencart product url[+ocproduct_alias_url+]
: opencart product SEO url[+buy_from_amazon+]
: product affiliate link to amazon
Buy From Amazon Button
Requires Opencart Amazon Affiliate Webstore extension https://azonwebstore.com/
Add to Cart Button
Opencart does not support add to cart via Url, to enable this option you need Add to Cart via URL link extension (19$)http://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=extension/extension/info&extension_id=11443
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